Forum do Clan Reborn - Lineage2
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Forum do Clan Reborn - Lineage2

This forum is about reborn clan in lineage2 server ascalon
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 Rules (English version)

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Número de Mensagens : 295
Data de inscrição : 09/04/2007

Rules (English version) Empty
MensagemAssunto: Rules (English version)   Rules (English version) Icon_minitimeQua Abr 11, 2007 1:22 am

( i used google translator, tomorow o write in english, i need sleep now )

Good, before postar the rules, I go to count as everything started… The Clan Reborn was born with the exit of clan Avalom of the server Ascalon, was a very difficult moment pros members that had been, had that to try to reorganize the teams and at the same time to fight pra not terms more evasions. For voting I (Noah) turned the new leader clan, I stow absenting me of the real position of “leadership”, but now with the total separation of the two clans, I go to assume really this position. Our philosophy is well simple to understand, the old members ja has this in the “vein” but we need that the new members and the aspirings enxerguem this and have a real desire to be in clan for these reasons: The characteristic greater of clan, is that all we are friends, disputes inside of clan will have to be informed to the leader or vice-leader or somebody in hierarchic conditions to decide the situation. 1ª Rule: It always respects the members of clan, members with superior positions to its have greater to be able of decision that you and these decisions must be faced with respect, these members have position raised in clan, by merit, in case that it has some abuse of being able on the part of these members, will also have to be informed way p.m. for members that are above hierarquicamente speaking and for me. 2ª Rule: Enxa the BAG of never alguem of clan because you want itens, has a part in fórum exclusive pra this and members that will be able to always give one mãozinha will be able to help, ours clan is formed of members that had sweated pra very to have what it has today, create dwarves, spoilamos itens and kill many boss, are unjust that new members do not want to run behind itens, in case that it needs some aid with spoil, crfat, itens, pole in the part of fórum appropriate pra this, members that they insist on enxer the bag of others inside players of the game asking for itens and etc. could BE BANISHED of clan. 3ª Rule: Enemies are always enemy, now do not have this of being enemy, half friend hour later and enemy 1 hour later, if the face you in ally enemy or it dies or vc die. 4ª Rule: We do not pklizamos WITHOUT REASON, by the way, if the face will not be of ally enemy DOES NOT HAVE PKLIZA It, case you has some problem takes off photo and pole in the forum that it will go to be hunted part of our list of! (I will be implementing a list of hunted players more where we will have you reward for members that obtains kills it) 5ª Rule: We do not xingamos and nor we beat mouth IN the GLOBAL one, in case that they alguem you xingue of newbie, to xiter or tries to provoke you in the global one, you it does not need to answer it, it calls pro x1 and it leaves it to xingar the will, it knows that you cannot win then the unica way of it if to feel more worse less is xingando in the global one. 6ª Rule: It does not fit to the member to judge nobody, has extremely trustworthy people to search e to be able to take its conclusions, case somebody wants to incriminate a person unjustly only by having had some misunderstanding, it will be banished of the Clãn. 7ª Rule: It never makes “piadinhas” with alguem of level lesser that its, its function is to help members not to caçoar of them. 8ª Rule: Whenever to appear some problem or doubt it speaks with they alguem of higher position. 9ª Rule: When you it will be ONLINE will be obligatorily to enter in ts of the Clan, unless either to enter in the Internet rapidinho. (exactly that you it does not have microphone, you it has that to have a phone pra to hear, the use of teamspeak is essential pro good teamplay) 10ª Rule: The sojourn inside of two clans will be forbidden at the same time, you will have that to choose one, contrary case will be banished. (with excessão of clan of dwarves and buffers) 11ª Rule: Not to create you intrigue with nobody of the Clan, contrary case the two will be penalizados. 12ª Rule: Whenever somebody of the alliance is pklizado by one ally or clan enemy, in case that let us not be in BOSS or QUEST, will have to try to help! 13ª Rule: To enter in the Clan aspirandte poll in the section will have to create one “alistment” with the following information: NAME: UF: NICK IN THE GAME: MSN OR EMAIL: SERVERS WHERE IT PLAYED: BECAUSE IT IS ENTERING IN THE REBORN: 14ª Rule: If to occur of the member to disappear without giving to satisfaction to nobody it has a stated period of 2 weeks to appear and to give convicentes satisfactions for the responsible ones for clan. In case that the member does not appear in this time it has an ultimatum of 1 day, if it not to appear will be banished. 15ª Rule: In case that somebody wants to leave the Clan to inform to the leader or více-leads with antecedence, how much before better, and it will have of saying to the reason why this leaving the Clan. 16ª Rule: Its position in clan could be evolved with passing of the time, reveals responsible. 17ª Rule: Not to derrespeitar other Clans, nor to argue with some of them, if it does not stop to full its bag ignores it, in case that he occurs fight between members of a clan with the other, does not import who has the reason, it he criticized, and you he gave to ball it to continue the quarrel, in case that as these will be penalizados the members, when this to occur only ignores it. 18ª Rule: To always enter in the Fórum of the Clan, to be always brought up to date. 19ª Rule: The championships will be informed when they had occurred, people of the Clan will only be able to participate, will go to occur championships 1x1, 2x2, 3x3 and 4x4. Good for the moment it is this! They remember whenever vocês from the moment that they had entered in clan and they are using the Flag of clan, are not more “independetes” inside of the game, each act its can bring benefits or problems pra other members of clan case you does not respect these rules. I know that they are many rules but our intention is not to be only one clan of l2, and yes in them to become optimum AND STRONGER clan of the server, pra this we need few problems between members and much organization!
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